Choosing and working with bankers

The right investment bankers for you are out there.


We have worked with all of the major investment banks, and have a great deal of familiarity with selecting and working productively with your underwriting syndicate. Our approach is collaborative and team-focused. Altreon is not here to replace your outside counsel or bankers, but to help take on some of the internal burden of educating the board and management at a more manageable cost. Because we are able to function as an expansion of your in-house team, we can help you navigate the hazards in the road ahead while leaving company staff enough bandwidth to do their day jobs.

It's important to find the right blend of investment banks to serve as the underwriters of your IPO. A combination of strong coverage bankers, who will work with you every day through the preparation of the registration statement, strong equity research and strong equity capital markets execution is required for a successful IPO.